We offer highly professional service to our clients at all times. At Bheka Security our clients are not merely provided with guarding service alone, but also a comprehensive and effective loss control service, and personal liaison at all times.
Our security personnel are registered and trained in terms of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Act 2001 (Act 56 of 2001). They also receive job training on a regular basis thus enabling us to keep them alert and updated with new procedures as well as refreshment of knowledge skills within the Security Industry. All our security personnel have a minimum of Standard eight (8) and are conversant in both official languages i.e. English and Zulu, which is of great importance. Our security personnel are in possession of NOSA and First Aid certificates.
Our security staff are being paid according to Sectoral Determination 6, thus enabling us to employ individuals of higher caliber. We also have work incentives for various achievements i.e. Arrest and Prevention of Crime.